Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Being Messy in God's Work

“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”

I was blessed to be a part of CatholicMom.com's Daily Gospel Reflection Series for 2016. What an amazing experience!

Today's Gospel reflection focuses on the messiness of God's work, how God's path isn't always easy or comfortable. I liken that to this experience. Writing about the Gospels, or teaching about them in a way others might relate to, isn't something I'm used to doing. Others have had that gift and used it well. Being pulled to use my ability to write - in a new way for me, sharing the messiness and uncomfortableness that it can offer - was a difficult but rewarding experience.

I've waited six months since the story was submitted to see it live. If it strikes you, share your thoughts. If it inspires you, I'll feel blessed.


  1. This was great to read, and I especially loved this line: "holiness requires no great acts, only in recognizing Your will and what You want us to be." Amen!

    1. Rachel, I can't claim inspiration for that... it came from a true saint. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Robbie, thank you for the beautiful inspiration you provided today!

    1. Thanks for the awesome opportunity! It was very much out of my comfort zone to write a Gospel reflection but I loved doing it.

  3. Your ponder point really made me think!

  4. The struggles God gives us are to build strength and endurance for the races He knows we will have to run. The mess we're in now may not be fun, but the ones coming will take the perseverance He is building in us.

  5. Thank you for sharing...He certainly works, even through our messes!

  6. Amen! I've been discovering, over the last decade, that following Christ is much messier than I thought it would be. It's very good, but messy nonetheless. Thank you for the reminder that this is normal and OK.
